
If you are motivated to join the Giuntoli Group, please contact Andrea to discuss research opportunities! PhD and Postdoc funded positions are advertised here, and shorter projects for bachelor and master students are always available.

Bachelor and Master Students

In your research project you will learn the basics of molecular modeling and computational scientific research in the field of polymeric materials. You will be supervised by Andrea and senior members of the group, with your success and growth as our main goal. We are happy to design a project tailored to your skills and interests. Talk to Andrea and other members to learn about the research environment in our group!

PhD Students

No funded positions available at this time, feel free to contact us if you want to join the group via scholarship programs or by applying for funding together.

Postdoctoral Researchers

No funded positions available at this time, feel free to contact us if you want to join the group via scholarship programs or by applying for funding together.