December 2023
Akram Abbasniabazeh is the third PhD student of the group. She will work on the recent NWO-funded project on the mechanical properties of heterogenous bottlebrush networks. A warm welcome!

July 2023
Utku's first paper "Shear Thinning from Bond Orientation in Model Unentangled Bottlebrush Polymer Melts" is now published in Macromolecules. We look at how the orientation of polymer bonds gives rise to shear thinning in bottlebrushes of varying architecture.

July 2023
Andrea's proposal to study "Multiscale Emergence of Viscoelasticity in Heterogeneous Bottlebrush Elastomers" has be granted funding via the NWO-M scheme. Check our website for a new PhD opening in the team!

July 2023
A big applause to Ilija and Ties for successfully presenting their bachelor project. They made the entire group very proud, and we look forward to their future achievements! And thanks to Utku for the impeccable supervision!

July 2023
Taner Göktuğ Tekin won an Erasmus scholarship from Turkey to spend the next two months in our group, working on miscibility of polymer blends via the addition of ionic bonds. Welcome!

June 2023
After more than one year of activity, the Giuntoli Group has a website! Thanks to Robert Pollice for the nice template, and to Alessia Vanni for the hard work on the website and the logo.

May 30, 2023
On May 30 we had another beautiful meeting of the Dutch Soft Matter community, where many team members had a chance to present their research.

May 2023
The annual Nerd Dinner of the Micromechanics Group was once again a big success! Andrea is the new Nerd, all hail!

May 3, 2023
On May 3 Andrea discussed the importance of emergent phenomena and multidisciplinary science during a pub lecture orgainized by the Young Academy Groningen. If you missed it check the video!

March-November 2022
With an FSE grant from the Faculty of Science and Engineering and an XS grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) in 2022 the group is off to a good start!