
Utku Gurel


Utku obtained a double major Bachelor's degree in Physics and Electrical Engineering from Boğaziçi University in Istanbul (2019). He then pursued further education in the international Master's program Physics of Complex Systems" at Université de Paris (2021), specialising as a theoretical physicist. During this program, he conducted research on unsupervised machine learning of structural features in glass-forming liquids under the supervision of Giuseppe Foffi and Frank Smallenburg at Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (LPS) of Université Paris-Saclay. In 2021, Utku began his Ph.D. at the Micromechanics group under the supervision of Andrea Giuntoli at the University of Groningen. His research focuses on exploring out-of-equilibrium emergent phenomena in branched polymers using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. Utku also has a strong personal interest in tennis in an engaging way. He finds tennis to be a captivating sport that combines physical endurance and strategic thinking which provides him with inspiration and serves as a source of motivation in both his personal and academic pursuits.